Source code for probreg.l2dist_regs

from __future__ import division, print_function

import logging
from typing import Any, Callable, List, Union

import numpy as np
import open3d as o3
from scipy.optimize import minimize

from . import cost_functions as cf
from . import features as ft
from . import transformation as tf
from .log import log

[docs]class L2DistRegistration(object): """L2 distance registration class This algorithm expresses point clouds as mixture gaussian distributions and performs registration by minimizing the distance between two distributions. Args: source (numpy.ndarray): Source point cloud data. feature_gen (probreg.features.Feature): Generator of mixture gaussian distribution. cost_fn (probreg.cost_functions.CostFunction): Cost function to caliculate L2 distance. sigma (float, optional): Scaling parameter for L2 distance. delta (float, optional): Annealing parameter for optimization. use_estimated_sigma (float, optional): If this flag is True, sigma estimates from the source point cloud. """ def __init__( self, source: np.ndarray, feature_gen: ft.Feature, cost_fn: cf.CostFunction, sigma: float = 1.0, delta: float = 0.9, use_estimated_sigma: bool = True, ): self._source = source self._feature_gen = feature_gen self._cost_fn = cost_fn self._sigma = sigma self._delta = delta self._use_estimated_sigma = use_estimated_sigma self._callbacks = [] if not self._source is None and self._use_estimated_sigma: self._estimate_sigma(self._source)
[docs] def set_source(self, source: np.ndarray): self._source = source if self._use_estimated_sigma: self._estimate_sigma(self._source)
[docs] def set_callbacks(self, callbacks): self._callbacks.extend(callbacks)
def _estimate_sigma(self, data: np.ndarray): ndata, dim = data.shape data_hat = data - np.mean(data, axis=0) self._sigma = np.power(np.linalg.det(, data_hat) / (ndata - 1)), 1.0 / (2.0 * dim)) def _annealing(self): self._sigma *= self._delta
[docs] def optimization_cb(self, x: np.ndarray): tf_result = self._cost_fn.to_transformation(x) for c in self._callbacks: c(tf_result)
[docs] def registration( self, target: np.ndarray, maxiter: int = 1, tol: float = 1.0e-3, opt_maxiter: int = 50, opt_tol: float = 1.0e-3 ) -> tf.Transformation: f = None x_ini = self._cost_fn.initial() for _ in range(maxiter): self._feature_gen.init() mu_source, phi_source = self._feature_gen.compute(self._source) mu_target, phi_target = self._feature_gen.compute(target) args = (mu_source, phi_source, mu_target, phi_target, self._sigma) res = minimize( self._cost_fn, x_ini, args=args, method="BFGS", jac=True, tol=opt_tol, options={"maxiter": opt_maxiter, "disp": log.level == logging.DEBUG}, callback=self.optimization_cb, ) self._annealing() self._feature_gen.annealing() if not f is None and abs( - f) < tol: break f = x_ini = res.x return self._cost_fn.to_transformation(res.x)
[docs]class RigidGMMReg(L2DistRegistration): def __init__(self, source, sigma=1.0, delta=0.9, n_gmm_components=800, use_estimated_sigma=True): n_gmm_components = min(n_gmm_components, int(source.shape[0] * 0.8)) super(RigidGMMReg, self).__init__( source, ft.GMM(n_gmm_components), cf.RigidCostFunction(), sigma, delta, use_estimated_sigma )
[docs]class TPSGMMReg(L2DistRegistration): def __init__( self, source, sigma=1.0, delta=0.9, n_gmm_components=800, alpha=1.0, beta=0.1, use_estimated_sigma=True ): n_gmm_components = min(n_gmm_components, int(source.shape[0] * 0.8)) super(TPSGMMReg, self).__init__( source, ft.GMM(n_gmm_components), cf.TPSCostFunction([], alpha, beta), sigma, delta, use_estimated_sigma ) self._feature_gen.init() control_pts, _ = self._feature_gen.compute(source) self._cost_fn._control_pts = control_pts
[docs]class RigidSVR(L2DistRegistration): def __init__(self, source, sigma=1.0, delta=0.9, gamma=0.5, nu=0.1, use_estimated_sigma=True): super(RigidSVR, self).__init__( source, ft.OneClassSVM(source.shape[1], sigma, gamma, nu), cf.RigidCostFunction(), sigma, delta, use_estimated_sigma, ) def _estimate_sigma(self, data): super(RigidSVR, self)._estimate_sigma(data) self._feature_gen._sigma = self._sigma self._feature_gen._gamma = 1.0 / (2.0 * np.square(self._sigma))
[docs]class TPSSVR(L2DistRegistration): def __init__(self, source, sigma=1.0, delta=0.9, gamma=0.5, nu=0.1, alpha=1.0, beta=0.1, use_estimated_sigma=True): super(TPSSVR, self).__init__( source, ft.OneClassSVM(source.shape[1], sigma, gamma, nu), cf.TPSCostFunction([], alpha, beta), sigma, delta, use_estimated_sigma, ) self._feature_gen.init() control_pts, _ = self._feature_gen.compute(source) self._cost_fn._control_pts = control_pts def _estimate_sigma(self, data): super(TPSSVR, self)._estimate_sigma(data) self._feature_gen._sigma = self._sigma self._feature_gen._gamma = 1.0 / (2.0 * np.square(self._sigma))
[docs]def registration_gmmreg( source: np.ndarray, target: np.ndarray, tf_type_name: str = "rigid", callbacks: List = [], **kargs ): """GMMReg. Args: source (numpy.ndarray): Source point cloud data. target (numpy.ndarray): Target point cloud data. tf_type_name (str, optional): Transformation type('rigid', 'nonrigid') callback (:obj:`list` of :obj:`function`, optional): Called after each iteration. `callback(probreg.Transformation)` Returns: probreg.Transformation: Transformation from source to target. """ cv = lambda x: np.asarray(x.points if isinstance(x, o3.geometry.PointCloud) else x) if tf_type_name == "rigid": gmmreg = RigidGMMReg(cv(source), **kargs) elif tf_type_name == "nonrigid": gmmreg = TPSGMMReg(cv(source), **kargs) else: raise ValueError("Unknown transform type %s" % tf_type_name) gmmreg.set_callbacks(callbacks) return gmmreg.registration(cv(target))
[docs]def registration_svr( source: Union[np.ndarray, o3.geometry.PointCloud], target: Union[np.ndarray, o3.geometry.PointCloud], tf_type_name: str = "rigid", maxiter: int = 1, tol: float = 1.0e-3, opt_maxiter: int = 50, opt_tol: float = 1.0e-3, callbacks: List[Callable] = [], **kwargs: Any, ): """Support Vector Registration. Args: source (numpy.ndarray): Source point cloud data. target (numpy.ndarray): Target point cloud data. tf_type_name (str, optional): Transformation type('rigid', 'nonrigid') maxitr (int, optional): Maximum number of iterations for outer loop. tol (float, optional): Tolerance for termination of outer loop. opt_maxitr (int, optional): Maximum number of iterations for inner loop. opt_tol (float, optional): Tolerance for termination of inner loop. callback (:obj:`list` of :obj:`function`, optional): Called after each iteration. `callback(probreg.Transformation)` Returns: probreg.Transformation: Transformation from source to target. """ cv = lambda x: np.asarray(x.points if isinstance(x, o3.geometry.PointCloud) else x) if tf_type_name == "rigid": svr = RigidSVR(cv(source), **kwargs) elif tf_type_name == "nonrigid": svr = TPSSVR(cv(source), **kwargs) else: raise ValueError("Unknown transform type %s" % tf_type_name) svr.set_callbacks(callbacks) return svr.registration(cv(target), maxiter, tol, opt_maxiter, opt_tol)